This is the first picture of our newest love. Back in early October we found out that we were expecting our third child. We did not hide this news, but we certainly did not talk about it much. In some ways we were protecting ourselves from getting too excited, in case something were to happen. Our doctor encouraged us to do the first trimester screening, simply for peace of mind. The first trimester screen is completed at around 11 weeks gestation and is a non-invasive screen for genetic disorders and some heart defects. The test came back negative as there were no indicators in either the blood or ultrasound of any issues (the test is anywhere from 85-95% conclusive, depending on who you talk to). Of course we were relieved, and started to believe that we could actually look forward to the birth of a healthy baby into our lives.
Now we find ourselves thinking both about Brody, mostly in positive ways, and this new tiny baby growing inside me. We do not expect this baby to replace any feelings or love we have for Brody, just like he or she would not take that from Addison, but (as others have said) cause our hearts to grow with more love for another little blessing to our lives.
We have not shared this news with Addison yet, as she speaks daily of her little brother in heaven. It is quite possible that God is asking her to warm our hearts and help us focus on the truth with her childlike faith. She talks so honestly about Brody being "up in heaven", but that she would like to play with him or another brother some day. She has been bombarded with Christmas music (since early November, thanks to her mom), and anytime the words talk of angels, Jesus, Heaven, etc, she exclaims, "this song is about Brody!" I am not claiming that my daughter is some super Christian at age 2, but that the simplicity of her thoughts is encouraging and uplifting for both of us:-)
So, I am 14 weeks pregnant and grateful. I actually do not wish anything thus far in our lives away. Life continues to unfold, and God reveals how He works in everything for His good. This does not seem all so clear every day, but most days we continue to feel so thankful that we were given a son that has caused us to become more interested in our eternal home and even eager to get there at times. We also know that the little life that will come into the world in June would not exist if things would have been different with Brody. We feel blessed to have been changed by it all, and pray that God does allow us to be challenged in this life so that we can become all that He wants us to be (and I still have a REALLY long way to go...I guess that means LOTS of challenges....)