Dear Brody,
Today was a good day. Today, you and a bunch of silly 8th graders made me smile, all day long. I was able to work in the classroom where I used to teach before your sister was born. I have been there quite a bit this year, but you have not been with me for all of it, or at least you were not so noticeable until just recently. Today I heard comments such as the following. "Ms. Vaughan, why you so chubby?!" and "Ms. Vaughan, is that the same baby that you was pregnant with last time you were here (2 weeks ago!)" or "Why do you have to wait until this summer, it looks like you are going to have your baby like tomorrow." I love 8th graders. They are so special:) I have always been drawn to special kids. I wonder if God has been preparing me for someone as special as you?
These silly 8th graders asked about you all day. They asked me when you were coming, they asked me if you are a boy or a girl. They asked me what we are going to name you, and they asked me if I am excited. It was so fun to talk about you today! I told them you were coming this summer. I told them you are a boy and that we have already named you, Brody. I told them that I was soooo excited to meet you.
I also talked to some other teachers about you today. Since I think about you all day long, it is not difficult for me to find things to talk about. You move a lot, and are most active between 9 and 10 pm, right around the time that we sing to you. We know that you are going on 2 lbs, and think that you are headed there quickly, as it seems you have had a growth spurt this past week (at least I have). Last time we saw you, your head was up, but now we think you are in the head down position. You have been causing some serious heart burn for your mommy, reminding me that you are also getting taller and seem to be spreading out in there. You are so loved! We have learned that we are not the only people that like talking about you. We keep getting letters in the mail, even from people we hardly see or talk to. They are praying for you, thinking about you, and speak so lovingly of you, without having even met you. (FYI- no one did that for your big sister)
I smile about you all the time, Brody. You are changing the way I look at everything. I am proud of you and so excited to meet you. I am thankful for those 8th graders who would not stop asking about you today. It caused me to spend much of the day looking down at you, your almost 2 pound body protruding from my tummy, so alive and busy and easy to LOVE.
Thinking of you constantly,
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