Dear Brody,
Throughout my adult life, I have found comfort in believing that our God sometimes allows "bad" things to happen, but then promises to be there for us when they do. That God has the power to bring blessings through difficult times, and can turn very ugly situations into partially positive ones. Although I know that I certainly will never grasp the way our indescribable and incomprehensible God works, I do not believe that God allowed this to happen. I believe that God purposefully created YOU, Brody, to be just the way that you are. I do NOT believe that He made a mistake with you, or even that He allowed a glitch to occur when you were conceived...I believe you were perfectly and wonderfully made...and I am so proud of you.
You have not even "entered" this world, and you have already began to bless us. For most of my life I have felt very in control. For the most part, things work out as I "plan" and hope for them to, and although I have always prayed that I want to depend fully on God, I have not always believed that I had to. Mostly because depending on myself, and those closest to me, seemed to be working just fine. On March 30th, when we learned of your prognosis, depending on myself was not an option. I was totally out of control, and even though your dad and I would have done anything to change what we had heard, we knew that it certainly was not in our hands. But God was there that day, Brody, and He was present in a way that was more real for me than ever before in my life.
Over the last two weeks, God has provided many other blessings through YOU!
1) Incredible love for you. I did not know that it was possible to love you this much, and experience carrying you in such a positive way, before you even arrive!
2) Your mom and dad's love for each other. Brody, I have never loved your dad as much as I do now. I am very certain God is determined to bind us even closer together through our love for Him and you, our beautiful son. You dad is amazing and I am absolutely positive that there is no one else in the world that I would choose to be your dad, Brody.
3) Irreplaceable family and friends. You bring out the very best in people, little guy. Your mom and dad have some seriously compassionate, encouraging, thoughtful and loving people in our lives. This we were aware of, but we have found that your uniqueness has brought out the very unique gifts in these special people, and for this we are so thankful!
Thank you Brody. And thank you Father, for creating our Brody so perfectly, for YOUR very special plan.
Love, Mom
"And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." - Phillipians 4:7
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