As far as Jason and I are concerned, Brody's short life has already begun. Because we want to cherish every moment we have with him, starting now, we have been singing to him, taking him places like the zoo (3 times), for runs around the lake and to Madagascar Live, and we have been talking to Addison about his life. This last one has been quite difficult, but we have some good resources to help us figure out the best way to share all of this with a concrete thinking 2 year old. We have been keeping it simple at this point, "baby Brody is in Mommy's tummy and is going to be a visitor with us for a very short time." She seems okay with this, but definitely wants to talk about it more than we expected. We know we will have a lot more explaining to do as she made an interesting comment last week. A very sweet friend gave us some baby blankets for Brody. Addison was talking to Nana later that day and told her that "these are for baby Brody when he comes home." I pray that she is right.
Some people wonder why we would carry little Brody to full term. We never thought of this as a choice. Brody is very much alive, active, and comfortable right now, we do not feel that it is up to us to decide when his time is up. We also know that God is perfectly capable of doing whatever He wants with Brody, and we will put our trust in Him to make those decisions. In addition, we believe that Brody's short life will be has already been so for us.
Most importantly today, I want to be sure to thank our amazing friends and family for their emails, cards, calls, meals, flowers, and especially prayers. Jason and I feel a peace that neither of us has ever experienced before in this way. We feel strong, and are able to honestly say that we know Brody will be a blessing in our lives and God is totally in control of this situation. We also know that this peace is not coming from us, but rather from our Father who is answering your prayers and ours every day. Please continue to pray that God takes care of Brody as He sees fit, and that Jason and I are able to have strength and hope each day as we walk through this journey. Pray that we are able to make the best decisions for Brody, and that these amazing resources continue to flow into our life.
"The word of the LORD came to me, saying, "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart..." - Jeremiah 1:4-5
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